Saint Natalia is remembered today for her role in holding up the faith of the martyrs of Nicomedia, bearing witness to their sufferings with a courage so generous, it lent each of them the courage they needed to remain faithful until the end.
One year prior to this decisive moment of her life, Saint Natalia was married to Adrian, the head of the praetorium during the time of Emperor Maximian. She had kept her Christian faith a secret, as the emperor promised a reward to whoever would inform on Christians to bring them to trial. Although we have no record of her life during this year, we imagine her spending nights in secret prayer away from her husband’s eyes, praying for his soul and for the souls of many others.
Twenty-three Christians were eventually brought to trial, and Saint Natalia saw the fruit of her prayers. As Adrian examined them, he was so moved that he also declared himself a Christian. Hearing that he was willing to face torture and death along with the others, “she ran with joy…and lauded his resolve.” Although we do not know how she miraculously escaped capture (some sources say she entered the prison dressed as a boy), we do know that she became their courage-bearer, carrying the weight of their coming suffering alongside them.
“You are blessed, my lord, because you have believed in Christ,” she encouraged her husband. “You have obtained a great treasure. Do not regret anything earthly, neither beauty, nor youth, nor riches.” Day after day, her courage gave him and the twenty-three others strength. When Adrian was released for a period of hours in order to go home and tell her a final goodbye, she refused at first to open the door to him, believing that he had been released because he had denied Christ.
On the day of his execution, Saint Natalia herself placed his body on the anvil, a final and tender act of love as she joined him in bearing his martyrdom. Saint Adrian appeared to her soon afterwards in a dream, telling her that she would soon be at rest in the Lord, which happened just as he predicted. She and her husband are the patron saints of married couples. We celebrate her feast day on August 26th.
Holy Mother Natalia, pray to God for us!
Your holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia, O Lord,
Through their sufferings have received incorruptible crowns from You, our God.
For having Your strength, they laid low their adversaries,
And shattered the powerless boldness of demons.
Through their intercessions, save our souls