Featured Saints Kyra, Valerie, and Mary

Saints Kyra, Valerie, and Mary

During the reign of Emperor Diocletian, three women forged a sisterhood that was stronger than death. 

Kyra, Valerie, and Mary (also known as Kyriake, Kaleria, and Maria) lived in Palestinian Caesarea between AD 284 and 305. Although it was a time of intense persecution, something about the Christian faith caught flame in their hearts. We imagine them gathering secretly to discuss their growing attraction to Christ; baptized together on the same secretive night. Was Kyra, whose name means “lord,” the first to recognize His Lordship? Could Valerie, “strength,” have been the one who held them strong in all of their fears and doubts, or Mary held them fast to their belovedness? 

What we know for certain is that, after receiving instruction in the Christian faith, they abandoned paganism, settled in a solitary place together, and spent their lives together in prayer. Tradition tells us specifically that they prayed fervently for persecution against Christians to come to an end so that faith in Christ could shine through the whole world. 

No one knows how long they were able to sustain this community of sisterhood before they were discovered. However, it is clear that together they had renounced the world around them for the remainder of their lives, and found strength in each other's support. 

Eventually, Saints Kyra, Valerie, and Mary were discovered as Christians. Although the governor tried to force them to worship idols, they confessed their faith in Christ and together were tortured and received the crown of martyrdom, standing together as sisters in death as they did in life. 

Holy Mothers Kyra, Valerie, and Mary, pray to God for us! 


As reasonable lambs, you were guided by Christ, the Chief Shepherd, along the path of martyrdom.  You finished your course and kept the faith;  therefore, honorable Kyra, Valerie, and Mary, we magnify Christ today with joyful hearts as we honor your holy memory!