Join Us for an Inspiring Women's Retreat
Explore the profound impact of beauty on our lives through meaningful conversations, insightful talks, and enriching activities.
Healing Beauty
A conversation about the importance of Beauty in our lives.
Featuring a Compelling Team of Speakers
1. Dr. Pia Chaudhari, MSc, PhD–Art, Aesthetics, Depth Psychology
“Healing Beauty”
Pia holds a doctorate in theology from the department of Psychiatry & Religion at Union Theological Seminary in New York. She spent two years working as a chaplain intern in a psychiatric hospital, and has trained and worked extensively in Jungian psychoanalysis. She is a founding co-chair of the Analytical Psychology and Orthodox Christianity Consultation (APOCC) which was started in order to promote dialogue across the fields of Orthodox theology/pastoral care and analytical psychology after Carl Jung.
Pia is the founder and principal at Pia Cameron Interiors, an interior decorating firm. She is also the author of Dynamis of Healing; Patristic Theology and the Psyche (Fordham University Press 2019), as well as numerous articles, including on marriage and theosis, the unconscious and prayer, and healing and the Theotokos. Her research interests include theological anthropology, depth psychology, processes of healing, the feminine, aesthetics and beauty.
2. Jennifer Nahas, MMHS–Pilgrimage and Outdoors Specialist
“Contemplative Prayer Walk”
“I believe that it’s in the wild, untamed and natural places that we find our best selves and can see and hear God. I work with people interested in modern-day pilgrimages and the benefits of long-distance walking toward personal growth through mental, physical, and spiritual challenges. I have walked the Camino (the 500-mile pilgrimage across Spain) and Wainwright’s Coast-to-Coast trek across England, and I can see why our early Christians took to the road to unburden, reflect, and re-center. As St. Augustine writes, ‘Solvitor ambulando’ (it is solved by walking).”
Jen is a founding member of Axia Women and continues to write about women and the Eastern Orthodox Church. A certified ski instructor and an outdoor mediative guide trained in spiritual facilitation and accompaniment, Jen has made it her mission to inspire others to awaken to the outdoors as a means of experiencing the peace and love of God.
3. Laura Josephson, CCH–Classical Homeopath
“In the Footsteps of the Holy Myrrhbearers” workshop
Laura is a board-certified classical homeopath practicing in Nyack, New York, since 1992. She graduated from the New England School of Homeopathy, attended the New York School of Homeopathy and the Atlantic Academy of Classical Homeopathy, and has studied with many leaders in the field worldwide. She is a former New York State Homeopathic Association (NYSHA) president, an experienced speaker and teacher, and supervisor to aspiring homeopaths. Her original interest in homeopathy grew from her study of herbal medicine plus her artistic activity exploring the healing properties of pigments, color, and form. She is the author of “A Homeopathic Handbook of Natural Remedies” (Random House/Villard Books 2002), a quick-reference guidebook for the self-treatment of common ailments at home.
Her workshop will be an immersive experience delving into essential oils, the life-blood of plants and one of humankind's first medicines. Guided meditation and discussion in the presence of the scent of the precious oils are intended to help us open ourselves to their gifts of beauty and healing. A small sampling of oils will be yours as a gift to take home.
Activities Include:
- Two sessions on Healing Beauty with Dr. Pia Chaudhari
- Contemplative Prayer Walk with Jennifer Nahas
- Interactive Workshop with Laura Josephson
- Time for Personal Reflection and Connection
All attendees will receive a special takeaway to continue bringing healing beauty into their own lives and homes. They are designed to remind you of the day’s themes and your personal journey toward healing through beauty.
Registration Information
Cost: $85 (Orthodox women only, please)