Christ is risen!
Good things happen when Orthodox women come together!
Many of us celebrate the Myrrhbearing Women this coming Sunday. And with these courageous women in mind, we launch our second annual Axia Myrrhbearing Women fundraiser. We will send all those who donate from today through May 7 a small gift that commemorates these beloved saints. Better yet, a former Woman of the Week has generously offered to match all donations up to $1000, so your gift will have extra impact!
Axia’s patron saints were a community of disciples who came together to serve Christ. They remind us that faith, perseverance, and courage—particularly when the future seems dark and uncertain–can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. While Axia’s ventures are nowhere near so risky as theirs, the Myrrhbearing women remind us to show up to be ready for the good news. The Holy Spirit will guide and provide.
When Axia started four years ago, our future was unclear. But we knew that if we brought women together across Orthodoxy’s incredible diversity, good things would happen. Our programs now include:
Woman of the Week series
Craft ‘n’ Sip fellowship
Webinars featuring recognized experts
Panel discussions with speakers from across the Eastern-Oriental Orthodox divide
Lenten prayer services
Ask An Expert Q&A sessions
Women on Women Saints series
Blog posts by a wide variety of writers
And we have plans to expand into in-person gatherings in four communities across the US–but we need your help. Will you donate now to help us engage increasing numbers of Orthodox women in prayer, service, and community?
Yours in Christ,
Patricia Fann Bouteneff
Amber Schley Iragui
Jennifer Nahas
Miho Ochiai Ealy
Tenbit Mitiku
"Appearance of Christ" by Ukrainian artist Ivanka Demchuk, used with permission.