Carla Thomas is Axia’s first Woman of the Week!
Carla practices family and emergency medicine in Alabama. She is a member of St. Luke’s Orthodox Church, in Anniston. She sits on the boards of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry, and Axia Women. She founded Anniston AL’s, Chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Moses the Black, and runs the Abba Moses Free Clinic. The Abba Moses Clinic serves the segment of the population that is most often uninsured, 19- to 64-year-olds. Carla, who was baptized Panteleimona after the great unmercenary healer St. Panteleimon, charges no fees for her work at that clinic in order to give glory to God.
If you would like to support her work, there are two possibilities (under the name of an umbrella organization that she runs, called the Sts. Cosmas and Damian Society.) The link for Society donations is thru Gofundme:
Sts Cosmas and Damian Society
C/O Carla Thomas
P O Box 1887
1401 Woodstock Avenue
Anniston, AL 36207
In addition to her work as a doctor at clinics and hospitals around Anniston AL, Axia Woman of the Week Carla Thomas, along with her husband, renovated a historic 1925 house so that it could be used the church of her mission parish, St. Luke’s (founded in 2011) See stlukeanniston.org to learn more about their vibrant community. Axia!
Carla has a structured daily routine that helps her fit in her spiritual life alongside everything else she has to get done.

Our final post about our Woman of the Week, Dr. Carla Thomas, has to do with her daily routine, which helps her fit everything in that she needs to do.
5-7 am: Spiritual vitamins: Jesus prayers, The Path/Saint of the day/Morning Offering by Ancient Faith Radio, one Chapter of the Gospel, 5 psalms, one Epistle, morning prayers
· 7am-8 am: Physical vitamins: Sit ups, run a mile on treadmill, bowl of husband’s oatmeal, multiple vitamins, one quart of water and one booster cup of coffee, water and sing to the plants.
· 8 am-6 pm: hospital and clinic rounds
· 6 pm: Check on 85-year-old mom
· 7 pm: family dinner
· 8-9 pm housework
· 9-11 pm Jesus prayers and a book (such as, Remember Thy First Love by Archimandrite Zacharias)
· 11 pm: evening prayers
Somewhere in there, as you can see, she also finds time for her grandbabies!
Thank you, Carla!