Many who knew Mother Gavrilia say that being in her presence felt like entering a universe where all was beautiful and filled with joy.
“It was as if her entire existence had become a blessed little mirror reflecting in the depths of our hearts something of His light - a light that gave us warmth and peace and made each one of us feel somehow a better, cleaner, brighter person. For now, having beheld a Person, you were yearning to find again the capital P you had lost somewhere on the road.” (The Ascetic of Love, p108)
Each of us, perhaps, only glimpses that true, essential self - whether in ourselves or others - at times. In a sense, we are all on a journey together; a journey of bringing the icon of Christ within us to light.
And we do not do this alone. As we dreamed big for what the next five years of Axia could hold, we have decided to create a center whose organizational structure will embrace a grassroots, bottom-up approach that fosters community participation and inclusion. One key element will be Leadership Training Programs for women and church leaders, focusing on integrating women more fully into the life of the Church. Another will be Cross-jurisdictional Retreats that bring women together from diverse Orthodox backgrounds to learn, grow, and support each other, to foster a sense of belonging. We want to make sure you have even greater tools and relationships in your journey towards Christ.
Join us: https://app.aplos.com/aws/give/AxiaWomen//EOY2024