Monday, September 16, 2024

Axia Women is honored to announce that we have been selected to receive a Capacity Building Support Grant from Leadership Education, a non-degree-granting initiative of Duke Divinity School funded by Lilly Endowment Inc. and based in Durham, NC.
The grant and the three-year program associated with it are part of an invitation-only initiative. This initiative is intended to create lasting change in U.S. congregations by supporting Christian leaders and the institutions they serve, cultivating a coherent vision of Christian institutional leadership. Here at Axia, we are excited to have access to Leadership Education’s specially designed educational services and resources and connect with other like-minded organizations as we dream big and grow towards the future of Axia Women. We especially look forward to improving our programs–online and in-person!--to all the amazing Orthodox women in our network, holding true to our core mission of gathering Orthodox women across jurisdictions in the service of Christ.
We will be part of a cohort of 13 similarly-sized Christian organizations serving a wide variety of constituents across the US. We will be learning from one another and supporting one another over the next 36 months. We are particularly excited about the upcoming days-long strategic meeting with our board, which marks the beginning of our journey.
Stay tuned for developments…