“For me, it is always about bringing the beauty of Christ into the fraught here-and-now, whether that means helping people see Christ in an icon that was made by human hands or working myself to be an icon of Christ to somebody who is suffering.” –Jaime Rall
In this vein, Laura Josephson will be hosting a “In the Footsteps of the Holy Myrrhbearers” workshop at our upcoming Healing Beauty retreat in Darien, CT this September. Laura is a board-certified classical homeopath who graduated from the New England School of Homeopathy, attended the New York School of Homeopathy and the Atlantic Academy of Classical Homeopathy, and has studied with many leaders in the field worldwide.
Her original interest in homeopathy grew from her study of herbal medicine plus her artistic activity exploring the healing properties of pigments, color, and form (read her WOW interview on our website to hear more about the connection between homeopathic pigments and iconography!). She is a former New York State Homeopathic Association (NYSHA) president, an experienced speaker and teacher, and supervisor to aspiring homeopaths. She is also the author of “A Homeopathic Handbook of Natural Remedies” (Random House/Villard Books 2002), a quick-reference guidebook for the self-treatment of common ailments at home.
Laura’s workshop will be an immersive experience delving into essential oils, the life-blood of plants and one of humankind's first medicines. Guided meditation and discussion in the presence of the scent of the precious oils are intended to help us open ourselves to their gifts of beauty and healing. A small sampling of oils will be yours as a gift to take home.
(Orthodox women only, please).